Saturday, December 1, 2007

The end

What can I write about my last week in the ranchos that would do it justice? It was a week of embroidery, crocheting, new foods, and (host) family bonding time.

This week Matt and I learned how to embroider napkins. It is apparently the season for napkin-making, which was very fortunate for Matt since he wanted to make a napkin for a class assignment. I jumped on the bandwagon because my feminine nature inherently attracts me to things like embroidery. Maybe it’s not my feminine nature, but I do like having something to do with my hands. Matt finished embroidering his napkin (which turned out really well) and Martina put the crocheted border on it. I started embroidering mine, and then had Martina show me how to crochet the border so I would have something to do during our traveling of the next couple weeks. All the other women in our household have been pulling out napkins to work on, so I’ve enjoyed several peaceful hours on the patio with them.

On Monday we brought back an extra-large batch of groceries, including ingredients for a few new dishes they wanted us to try. Monday afternoon we had this really nice spaghetti dish with sliced avocado, tomato, and onion. Later in the week they gave us redondas, which seem identical to gorditas as far as I can tell. They’re made from the same stuff as tortillas, but not ground as finely, and shaped into smaller, fatter patties. Those are then fried and stuffed with whatever (cheese, potatoes, chicarrón, etc.). I like the usual beans, eggs, fideo, or potatoes, but it’s nice to mix it up sometimes.

On Thursday morning Matt and I went with Lola to the river to try our hand at washing laundry there. There are a few flat rocks in different places along the river bank which are about the size and dimensions of a lavandero, and that’s where they scrub their clothes. It takes some skill not to remove all the skin on one’s knuckles on the rocks, but it’s a strangely satisfying way of washing clothes.

Thursday night I accidentally spent the night in one of the family’s bedrooms. The electricity had gone out earlier, so we were relying on candlelight. Matt and I were enjoying ramen cups with everyone. Next thing I knew, I was waking up. I was sort of disoriented, and started to put on my shoes to leave, but Martín told me to go back to sleep. They had all rearranged themselves, stuffing themselves into two beds with Beatriz on a petate on the floor—this despite Matt’s assurances that I wouldn’t mind if they used the bed I usually sleep in, or if one of the girls shared with me. The next day I apologized for taking their bed, but no one seemed at all bothered by it.

This morning we had to say all our goodbyes. Chepe, who’s sort of a crabby little kid at times, was none too pleased to see us leaving. He’s overdramatic about everything, but it was sort of depressing to see him weeping disconsolately on the ground. Everyone gathered to say goodbye and to see us off on the bus, which was nice and hard at the same time.

All in all, it’s been a pretty amazing semester. I know I’ve enjoyed reading about it, and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about it. Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll tack on a postscript about my vacation to Puerto Vallarta this week…

Emily embroidering...

Matt embroidering...

Amazing spaghetti dish

Alina and Jovani wearing clothes that my amazing mother sent them (Mom, Lola and Mina loved the clothes, they fit perfectly, and they told me a million times to tell you thank you).

Beata, me, Martina, Martìn

Martìn and Alina

I love this picture. Here you have Beata, me, Dani holding Lupita, Flor, Matt, Martina, and Mina.


Anonymous said...

From Emily's dad --

We've enjoyed this great semester through your blog. You once wondered aloud whether any of the people in the rancho will remember you. I don't think you need to worry about that! Thanks for sharing the experience with us. And maybe some day you'll figure out how to make all your pictures post right side up.

Jon Becca James said...

thank you for creating this blog, Emily! I've enjoyed getting to meet you through it. You are a fantastic writer and I would love to hear more from you later. I look forward to reading that postscript!

Love, Matt's sister Becca

Anonymous said...

I have loved reading your blog and looking at your pictures!
But I can't wait to see you again. I've missed you.
